Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Competition is not sleeping

There is a real and direct threat to FourSquare coming from social networking website giant - Facebook.

Facebook is launching location-based status feature and already signed-up a partnership with McDonalds. Refer to the AdAge for more information here.

Is the Facebook monster going to swallow our little poor Foursquare? Personally, I am not sure. From one side, Facebook is much more popular at this time. It already has a huge clientele. No need to convince people to sign in. Yet, FourSquare does have an element of uniqueness with its game around checking-ins. However, it is quite obvious that Facebook's motion will at some point touch FourSquare, reducing its rates of growth.


  1. I think Foursquare does not stand a chance against Facebook just because of its large share in the cyberspace. Once they have the legal stuff done, they'll swallow all the midgets in one gulp.

    The question is, however, different. Do you want the entire world know where you are? then why don't you get a tracking chip underneath your skin? they do those with cattle now...

  2. Two posts? Hey, you are being bitten by the blogosphere bug!! ;-)

  3. Very funny Sergey! My dog has one. In fact, may be a powerful business idea. We can promote it as Never Get Lost.
