Monday, May 24, 2010

My perception on Microsoft standing nowadays

First of all, it is quite difficult for me to impartially judge the current standing of Microsoft because I am biased. And not in Microsoft's favor. The experience of using Win Vista rendered me from a satisfied loyal customer into Not a Big Fan.

Nevertheless, Microsoft is a software veteran. It is obvious that such small failures like Vista cannot undermine the space it occupies on the market. Microsoft holds over thirty different products, with some of them being extremely popular and used worldwide both by the individuals and businesses. The company tried itself in different spheres like hardware, search engine, internet portal, but it mostly associates with the operating system in consumer minds.

I did not count, but probably 99% of users had a PC until very very recently. Now it's a little bit less. The amazing breakthroughs by Apple do play a role, despite the fact that in general people are very resistant to change. Especially if it is a cardinal change. I believe that switching to a different operating system fits the profile. Of course, businesses do not switch to Apple overnight, unless it is an architecture firm, but the tendency is evident. Apple becomes more appealing to the individuals because of its high quality products coupled with innovative design.

The history of successful regular launches is definitely on the Microsoft's side. As we were taught on a Financial Accounting class, perpetuity cannot be correctly predicted. Yet, I do believe nothing would substantially change for Microsoft in 5-8 years from now, would it preserve its rate of product launches.

1 comment:

  1. I predict that Microsoft will no longer be market power in about 3-4 years, and therefore things at MS will do change! =)
    ... but I do agree what you said about the resistance to change OS, but what happens when we switch from desktop to mobile devices like iPads (or tables)...the future is on the Mobile devices like Smartphones and here Microsoft has only 7% market share...
    it will be interesting to see how things evolve in the next year! =) lets see!!

    See you in class!
